Summer is upon us. This is the best time of the year to travel. This is the season for vacation, to go outdoors with friends or with family, to visit other cities or countries. I know to travel means money, but if you have it, then use it. Now coedmagazine gave us tips on how to travel light. We don't need to bring the unnecessary ones, all we need are this things:
1. Underwear - there is no yuckier feeling in the world than being stuck wearing underwear for more than a day. Don’t take the chance on running out by packing one more pair than the number of days of your trip. Better safe than sorry.
2. Toothbrush & Toothpaste - there is no better babe repellent than stinky breath; except maybe body odor (see #3).
3. Deodorant - Funk breath will not matter if your body odor keeps her from getting close enough to talk to you. Don’t count on AXE or any other body spray either; you’ll just smell like AXE and funk.
4. Snacks - forget paying the airlines for a small, crappy meal that will leave you wanting more in 30 minutes. Save money (more for beer!!!) and bring something from home to tide you over.
5. Entertainment: have something to do. Cramped flights can be tough to sleep on, so you’ll need a way to pass the time. Grab a James Patterson novel in the airport bookstore; easy to read and hard to put down.

7. Two solid colored shirts other than white: a nice solid colored t-shirt can look really sharp when worn with jeans, shorts, or slacks.

9. A light-weight, medium sized towel: also key if you are traveling on a tight budget and planning on staying in hostels and other places. If you stay with friends, they will appreciate not having to hook you up with one.

If in doubt about what to bring on your trip think ‘comfort and practicality’. When it comes down to it you only want to have what you really need…and all you really need on vacation is comfort.
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