Glee is hosting in myspace a search for a spot to be on their multi-awarded comedy/musical TV series. They asked Gleeks (as they call Glee fanatics) to hoist up their home made vids in myspace as an audition. Fans get to vote on myspace for the newest Glee cast. Since Glee is so famous all over the world, a lot of hopefuls have already posted and joined the contest. Local celebrity Nikki Gil even sent her video on myspace. If you can't stand the singing, just watch her because she's beautiful.
Glee song
MySpace Video
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Australian Host gets to hold Kim Kardashian's Booty
We all know that Kim Kardashian has a huge behind. This fat Australian host got the privilege to hold and squeeze Kim K's ass, even quoting "it's soft, it’s juicy, and it’s real". I bet Ray-J, Kanye, & Reggie Bush would agree with her.
Jealousy Blinds our Women came up with an article about a research conducted by the University of Delaware stating that jealousy can impair women's eyesight. Wow. No wonder they don't want us to stare at other women when we are with them. My advice: Don't stare at other women when they're driving. The result ain't worth looking at.
The vision of some women becomes impaired when they know their partner is checking out other females.
University of Delaware researchers had heterosexual couples sit in front of adjacent computer screens, which were separated by a curtain. The men were told to rate the attractiveness of landscape scenes, while the women were asked to identify certain landscapes when they flashed by. The catch -- or so the women thought -- was that unpleasant images were interspersed among the landscapes.
Halfway through the experiment, however, the researchers switched gears and announced that the males would be rating pictures of attractive females. Suddenly many of the women -- who had previously had no problem picking out the landscapes -- started to completely miss the scenes when they scrolled by. It was as though they were literally not seeing what was in front of their eyes.
Being that guys who check out hot women can also be blind to everything else, it's actually a wonder that people in relationships don't all go around constantly bumping into things.
University of Delaware researchers had heterosexual couples sit in front of adjacent computer screens, which were separated by a curtain. The men were told to rate the attractiveness of landscape scenes, while the women were asked to identify certain landscapes when they flashed by. The catch -- or so the women thought -- was that unpleasant images were interspersed among the landscapes.
Halfway through the experiment, however, the researchers switched gears and announced that the males would be rating pictures of attractive females. Suddenly many of the women -- who had previously had no problem picking out the landscapes -- started to completely miss the scenes when they scrolled by. It was as though they were literally not seeing what was in front of their eyes.
Being that guys who check out hot women can also be blind to everything else, it's actually a wonder that people in relationships don't all go around constantly bumping into things.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Rasheed Wallace bails Brad Miller
Look at Rasheed Wallace's reaction of this misfortune. He was all alone under the basket after a Brad Miller miss and what looked like a secure rebound translated into a bulls basket. Crowd went crazy afterwards. I don't know what came to Sheed's mind after the incident, but I'm sure it wasn't pretty.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
5 Aphrodesiac That Will Drive Her Wild
The way to a woman’s heart is just like yours – through her stomach. Forget champagne, flowers and heavy spritzes of Drakkar Noir, these five food have been labeled for millenia as aphrodisiacs – food or drink said to arouse increase one’s sexual desire, enhance performance and extend sexual energy. Not to mention, all of these foods are going to look way classier to your lady than another chicken grande burrito special. [coedmagazine]
Almonds are like a multi-vitamin of sex: High in libido enhancing and stress-reducing vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E and magnesium, as well as rich in the essential fatty acids that stimulate the production of hormones. But what really drives a woman wild about almonds is their scent – Samson was said to woo Delilah with the smell of their essential oils as well as their taste. Light some almond scented candles and munch on a few as a snack before she comes over. She may be swooning in no time.
“Yeah, garlic breath. That’s gonna make this girl’s panties melt.” Now hold on there, naysayer. The Greeks, both ancient and modern have been championing the love potion affects of this bulb for MILLENIA. They were right about geometry and they are right about garlic’s relation to sexual stamina in energy. Garlic contains the chemical allcin, which increases blood flow to the sexual organs. In other words, it’s a foodie’s Viagra. If you’re still worried about stank breath, just pick up garlic capsules at your closest vitamin dealer.
Cleopatra’s favorite food to receive from her paramours. Cutting one in half and eating a fresh, plump, juicy fig is practically a sexual experience all by itself, and poets and artists have been using figs as a symbol for female sexual organs and fertility since the Ancient Greeks. If figs aren’t readily available (they are highly seasonal fruit) try feeding your woman some other especially juicy, suggestive fruit such as mangos, peaches or strawberries.
It’s a little crass but true: Oysters resemble a lady’s most private of parts, and all that slurping, sucking and shucking only takes it’s sexually suggestive nature further. The experience of feeding each other oysters together should be enough to put anyone in the mood. Oysters are also high in zinc, a mineral necessary for sperm and testosterone and increase the amount of dopamine in the brain, a hormone that traditionally enhances libido.
How many times have you seen a woman, whether on screen or in real life, close her eyes and moan passionately when she bites into a piece of chocolate? Its powers of seduction over the modern woman are practically an advertising cliché but there’s science to back up chocolate’s magical aphrodisiac powers. Chocolate, the darker the better, is rich in theobromine – a chemical similar to caffeine so she would feel more stimulated – and phenylethylamine, a chemical that’s usually found in the brain when it’s feeling In Love.
Treat her with this goodies and who knows what she might give you in return. [wink]
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
10 Things a Guy Should Pack When Traveling
Summer is upon us. This is the best time of the year to travel. This is the season for vacation, to go outdoors with friends or with family, to visit other cities or countries. I know to travel means money, but if you have it, then use it. Now coedmagazine gave us tips on how to travel light. We don't need to bring the unnecessary ones, all we need are this things:
1. Underwear - there is no yuckier feeling in the world than being stuck wearing underwear for more than a day. Don’t take the chance on running out by packing one more pair than the number of days of your trip. Better safe than sorry.
2. Toothbrush & Toothpaste - there is no better babe repellent than stinky breath; except maybe body odor (see #3).
3. Deodorant - Funk breath will not matter if your body odor keeps her from getting close enough to talk to you. Don’t count on AXE or any other body spray either; you’ll just smell like AXE and funk.
4. Snacks - forget paying the airlines for a small, crappy meal that will leave you wanting more in 30 minutes. Save money (more for beer!!!) and bring something from home to tide you over.
5. Entertainment: have something to do. Cramped flights can be tough to sleep on, so you’ll need a way to pass the time. Grab a James Patterson novel in the airport bookstore; easy to read and hard to put down.

7. Two solid colored shirts other than white: a nice solid colored t-shirt can look really sharp when worn with jeans, shorts, or slacks.

9. A light-weight, medium sized towel: also key if you are traveling on a tight budget and planning on staying in hostels and other places. If you stay with friends, they will appreciate not having to hook you up with one.

If in doubt about what to bring on your trip think ‘comfort and practicality’. When it comes down to it you only want to have what you really need…and all you really need on vacation is comfort.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The State of the Internet
Now here is a very interesting and cool video. Jesse Thomas made a vid regarding the state of the internet. Now this is a must watch video. Even if you hate numbers, just try this one. Enjoy.
JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.
JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.
The 8 Douchiest Things Men do to Impress Women
Love makes us lose our brain. It's a proven fact. When we feel so romantic, we do things that never in our fantasies we thought we could do (I can attest to that). Having this feelings for someone somehow makes us irrational. It leads to immature decisions and impaired judgements. As a result, we end up looking like douchebags just to impress the women we like.
If you find yourself nodding yes to more than one of the items below, congratulations: Love has officially turned you into an idiot.
The 8 Douchiest Things Men do to Impress Women
1. Pretending to Like a Band
Music is easy enough to relate over. Almost everyone likes the Beatles, Tupac, whatever. But if you find yourself saying “Oh, yeah I’ve loved the Dave Matthews Band since Under the Table and Dreaming!” to a girl just because you met her at a festival, you’re in for a world of trouble. It may work for like two weeks, but imagine finding yourself in a long-term relationship with her. You don’t want to be listening to “Satellite” at your anniversary.
2. Lying about Past Accomplishments
A little embellishment will sometimes help out with the ladies. But nothing is more aggravating than listening to a guy obviously lying to a girl about some amazing thing he’s done. Men do this in hopes that women will ooh and ahh over how unique and adventurous they are. If the reality is quite far from the story, this is an egregious error. Sure professional parachuter sounds great on any resume, but it’s tiring to keep up a blatant lie. Everyone slips up eventually.
3. Try to throw an Awesome Party to prove your Social Importance
Guys definitely want to be known as Mr. Cool. For some reason, men think the best way to demonstrate this to a girl is by throwing a party for no reason at all. Everything about this will seem forced. From your friends feigning enthusiasm for a make-believe party to the awkward excuse you make for actually throwing the party in the first place. In most cases, she’ll probably just “stop by” with a friend and then bounce after making out with him on your beanbag chair. But hey, at least you learned how to make an obscenely mediocre Manhattan.
4. Recreating a Scene from a Romantic Comedy
First off, if you can even cite a famous scene from a romantic comedy off the top of your head, you have some serious issues to work out. That being said, if you think the way to a girl’s heart is to recreate some sort of picnic scene between Matthew McConaughey and J-Lo you’re not only weird, you’re terribly misinformed. Most women like originality and though they might find you cute for doing something like that, it’s the kind of cute that is reserved for puppies and babies. That’s basically a death sentence for the single man.
5. Constatly Dressing Up
This is pretty common. There is nothing even remotely wrong with dressing to impress. But if you suddenly find yourself wearing skinny ties and fancy shoes when usually you’re sporting a white t-shirt and Nikes, there’s something amiss. If the relationship with this girl goes anywhere you’re probably going have to get a completely new wardrobe for her. Also, congratulations on totally compromising your Man Card.
6. Playing a Song written just for her on the Acoustic Guitar
It worked for John Mayer right? Sure but he’s a talented guitarist, and you only know how to play the intros to two Jack Johnson songs. As far as writing a song goes: give it a test run on a trusted female friend. Chances are she’ll rip it to pieces and save you the embarrassment of standing outside of her door playing a silly song while people point and laugh.
7. Getting into Fights to prove Manliness
Not only is this stupid, but it rarely ever impresses a girl not named Sammi Sweetheart. It may feel good to sock a guy that’s mouthing off to your date, but what if he’s got a crew of equally drunk buddies waiting to pounce? It’s not easy to look like a man when you’re curled up in the fetal position while a bunch of Neanderthals give you the business with their boots. On top of all that, she’ll probably think of you as a moron from that point on. Which, in this case, you totally are.
8. Going to an Art Gallery/Theater Production/Lecture and pretending to understand everything
Sure, intellect is sexy. Feigned intellect is not. If you find yourself at an art gallery and using words like “esoteric” to describe a painting of a bridge, you should stop yourself by any means necessary. Why not ham up your ignorance and hit her with some self-effacing humor? If she doesn’t find it funny at all, you two were probably not going far anyway.
A Stinger in Thunder Land
Now here is a weird video taken from the Nuggets-Thunder game last April 7, 2010. Carmelo Anthony bumps head first into the chest of Kevin Durant, he falls down but the play goes on. The referees should have stopped the play but instead of doing so, they let the Thunder inbound the ball and the game continues. JR Smith steals the ball but instead of calling a timeout, he drove to the basket where Melo was still lying and got called for the travel. Now what happened to looking after your teammates back?
A stinger is a nerve pinch injury that typically affects nerves in the neck. According to noted medical text Wikipedia, stingers occur in one of two ways: "either the head and neck are forced toward the shoulder, compressing the nerves that lead from the spinal cord to that arm, or the head and neck are forced away from the shoulder, stretching those nerves."
Here is the video of the entire incident. Luckily for Melo he was able to recover and finished the game in fashion, hitting two clutch free throws to ice the game.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
NCAA's How to Properly Demonstrate Losing in Basketball
Let's face it. In the game of basketball, one team loses, the other one wins. We can't all be winners, sometimes we have face the bitter fact of defeat. Whether the team was down by only one or two points, it doesn't make a difference, it's still a lose. Now, if luck doesn't fall on you often, at least, we have to make the defeat look pretty and decent. Of course, it feels bad to lose but losing without style isn't good either.
So here are NCAA's tips on How to Properly Demonstrate Losing in the game of Basketball.
At least, We can look Lebronesque in a defeat. Peace Out
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Baby James shouts Villar
This is fucking hilarious. Baby James Yap shouts Villar at Baclolod City. That's a kick on the gut of Noynoy...Lol
Monday, April 5, 2010
Dan Hardy's MMA Tips
Just recently Dan Hardy just received a beating from Welterweight Champion George St-Pierre. It wasn't even close but Dan Hardy earned the respect of everyone, even the champ. He refused to quit and tap on 2 different submissions that Rush was able to pull off, the arm bar and the kimura. At the end of the bout, GSP retained his belt but Hardy may have just earned the rights to a possible rematch with his showing. So why not follow the Outlaws tips on MMA? Who knows? With his tips, we may just end up being Hardy himself and KICK ASS.
1. Choose the Right Disciplines
The Outlaw's tip: You can go to a lot of MMA classes now where they do a combination of everything. That can give you a good taste of the whole sport, and from there you can start specialising in, say, kickboxing or jujitsu, or whatever.
2. Find the right gym
The Outlaw's tip: See what fighter the gyms you're looking at are putting out, because if it’s a solid gym, they’re going to have decent fighters out there.
3. Find the right weight
The Outlaw's tip: You don’t want to spend too much time bulking up, because then you’ll be carrying weight that’s not natural to you. Just make sure your weight is comfortable. It’s all down to a combination of gym work and diet.
4. Mental preparation
The Outlaw's tip: Make sure you’re doing conditioning work and make sure you’re fit enough, because no matter how good your technique is, the minute you run out of gas, that’s pretty much when the fight is over. Stay calm and pace yourself.
5. Stay committed
The Outlaw's tip: Work hard, but make sure you have all your protective equipment; you don’t want to be picking up injuries that are going to hinder you in a fight. If you are injured or sick, take a bit of time off -- you’re only going to make it worse by training too soon.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Adam Carolla takes a jab at Pacquiao
I got here a Podcast of Adam Carolla's radio show. He was hard on Manny Pacquiao and also to us filipinos. Another case of racism. I used to like the guy. I used to watch him together with Jimmy Kimmel, they had a show called the Man Show which was very funny. You know the american culture, comedians are always saved from their harsh comments because that's just the way it goes there. A joke will always be considered a joke, no matter how offensive it may be. You be the judge for this one. If you are a Filipino, I recommend you to listen only, no cursing please.
The 10 Most Highest Paid Sports Team
Ever wondered how a team ends up winning a championship?! Let's cut the defense, offense, they-got-heart bullshit. They win because they have the personnel to do it. They spend to surround a team with such talent. I know a lot would disagree because there are teams that have it, yet fails to win. Keep your arguments. You may have a point but most of the 10 teams that I'm gonna give you made it to the playoffs in their respective leagues. In fact, some ended up winning the championship. Perhaps, it pays to spend a lot for a team. I'm gonna count out the top 10 most highest paid sports team in the world.
10. New York Knicks -- NBA (USA) -- $4,881,952
Finally, our first lesson in the perils of overspending. The 2009 Knicks weren't as much of a disaster as other recent editions (the 32 wins were nine more than NY had the year before), but it's never good when a team's highest paid player is more known for sitting on the bench in street clothes and making bizarre rants on the Internet.
9. Boston Celtics -- NBA (USA) -- $4,885,055
The nucleus of the Celtics is aging quickly, but Boston fans can't mind too much. They got a title out of this team in 2008.
8. Cleveland Cavaliers -- NBA (USA) -- $4,940,707
Cleveland currently has the best record in the NBA, but fans just as concerned with what will happen in July when LeBron James becomes a free agent. If he re-signs with his hometown club, look for Cleveland to stay on this list for the better part of the next decade. If not ... go Browns?
Cleveland currently has the best record in the NBA, but fans just as concerned with what will happen in July when LeBron James becomes a free agent. If he re-signs with his hometown club, look for Cleveland to stay on this list for the better part of the next decade. If not ... go Browns?
7. Detroit Pistons -- NBA (USA) -- $4,995,573
Having the third-highest payroll in the NBA didn't help the Pistons get over .500 last season. The Motor City's team did sneak into the playoffs though but were promptly swept by the next team on our list.
Having the third-highest payroll in the NBA didn't help the Pistons get over .500 last season. The Motor City's team did sneak into the playoffs though but were promptly swept by the next team on our list.
6. Los Angeles Lakers -- NBA (USA) -- $5,098,920
Kobe Bryant and the Lakers are one of three teams on this list to have won a title in 2009.
Kobe Bryant and the Lakers are one of three teams on this list to have won a title in 2009.
5. Dallas Mavericks -- National Basketball Association (USA) -- $5,315,097
Mark Cuban's Mavs recently qualified for the playoffs for the 10th straight season. If not for a bizarre collapse in the 2007 finals, Dirk Nowitzki and company would have a title too.
Mark Cuban's Mavs recently qualified for the playoffs for the 10th straight season. If not for a bizarre collapse in the 2007 finals, Dirk Nowitzki and company would have a title too.
4. Chelsea -- English Premier League (GBR) -- $5,361,957
Chelsea's recent spending has led to two FA Cup titles in the past three years but the club is still looking for its first Premier League title since 2006. Saturday's matchup with first-place Manchester United will help decide this year's champ.
Chelsea's recent spending has led to two FA Cup titles in the past three years but the club is still looking for its first Premier League title since 2006. Saturday's matchup with first-place Manchester United will help decide this year's champ.

Spending a little less than Real Madrid didn't seem to hurt Barca last year. Behind FIFA World Player of the Year Lionel Messi, Barcelona won La Liga and the UEFA Champions League.
1. New York Yankees -- Major League Baseball (USA) -- $7,000,000
Critics say the Yankees buy championships. Yet the 2009 World Series title was the team's first since 2000, despite the fact that George Steinbrenner's crew has outspent other Major League teams every year since then. The gap between the Yankees payroll and that of the second-highest MLB team (appx. $70 million) was more than the total payroll of 11 other clubs.
Critics say the Yankees buy championships. Yet the 2009 World Series title was the team's first since 2000, despite the fact that George Steinbrenner's crew has outspent other Major League teams every year since then. The gap between the Yankees payroll and that of the second-highest MLB team (appx. $70 million) was more than the total payroll of 11 other clubs.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Be Good on Friday
This will probably be the only peaceful Friday of the year in our country, unless Pacquiao changes his fight schedules on Thursdays instead of Saturdays (U.S. Time Zone). No heavy traffic on the road, bars are not running, and commercial establishments are closed. It's Good Friday. Times like this is just what an average Filipino citizen need. A time for reflection, a time to escape the everyday struggles, away from political issues, a time for the family, repentance for sins, a time for ourselves. But it doesn't apply to all, for the active type of Filipino, they go on vacation. After all, who would wanna sit on their couch watching television for a whole week?! Probably, no one would want to. I won't be a hypocrite, if given the chance to go on vacation, I'd go, I just don't have the moolah to back it up. But wouldn't it be nice even if just for a day in the week, we reflect on what have done in our life for the past year. It wouldn't kill us if we offer GOD one day of the week. For me, the perfect day would be Good Friday. I know I'm taking this literally but just think of it, the name Good Friday fits. Let us be Good on Good Friday. How about we offer a prayer for Jesus this day?! It wouldn't take much of your time. Anyway, it's for Jesus. So let's do this.
Good Friday Prayer
hast willed to be crucified
and to shed Thy Most Precious Blood
for the redemption and salvation of our souls,
look down upon us here gathered together
in remembrance of Thy most sorrowful Passion and Death,
fully trusting in Thy mercy;
cleanse us from sin by Thy grace,
sanctify our toil,
give unto us and unto all those who are dear to us our
daily bread,
sweeten our sufferings,
bless our families,
and to the nations so sorely afflicted,
grant Thy peace,
which is the only true peace,
so that by obeying Thy commandments
we may come at last to the glory of heaven.
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