Here's a clip of the game winners by the Black Mamba this season. Bryant shares his thoughts on those shots with EJ, C-Webb, and Kevin Mcchale.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
My Name Is More Than What Meets The Eye
Have you ever wondered the meaning of your name? What it stands for? What is its relevance? I know a lot of us already know how our parents ended up giving us our first names. But to know what it means would be very cool. I found a site that gives us the meaning of our name. I tried my name on it and here is the meaning.
- Your name of Daniel has created a most expressive nature, idealistic and inspirational, driven with a strong inner urge to be of service in some way that would uplift humanity as a whole.
- However, there is a tendency to assume too heavy a burden of responsibility for others, which leads to worry and undue concern.
- People with problems are drawn to you as they recognize you as one who has understanding and gives not only sympathy and comfort but provides also some constructive advice or assistance.
- You have a generous quality to your nature, but you must guard carefully against giving more than you receive or you will find yourself doing without because you have helped someone else.
- Although the name Daniel creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control.
- This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous system, worry, and mental tension.
Try it yourself. Click here.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Why Do Women Cheat?
I read an article on a site on why our women cheat. I know every guy has the cajones to lie and cheat on their significant other but it makes me wonder how ladies get to do this. I know now-a-days that females believe in the saying "Whatever a man does, We can do better". I am not against it but sweet Jesus, in the animal kingdom, the male specie will always be dominant. Sorry Ladies. Anyway, let's get started.
Why do women cheat? The simple answer is because they hurt. They have pain related to loneliness, the rejection and betrayal of a cheating spouse, an unexciting and unsatisfactory relationship, or feeling poorly about themselves.
Why do women cheat? Because of emotional needs not met and the hurt that accompanies this lack. Is it sometimes just physical lust? Occasionally, but I do not see much of this.
Loneliness is one of the primary reasons that women seek out affairs or are susceptible to advances. Women who are in an unsatisfactory relationship may feel even lonelier than if they were still single. A partner who is over involved with his work or hobby may severely limit the attention and admiration he gives to his mate.
She then feels unattractive, uncared for, and hopeless about getting her needs met. While this is a reason for working harder on the relationship, not seeking relief from another man, it is easy to understand the pain that makes the whole thing possible.
And then there is Revenge. I am seeing much more of this as a motive in recent years. Today's woman is not willing to just sit still and "take it." Unfortunately, the "eye for an eye" approach has become more acceptable and a woman who feels betrayed and rejected may well return the favor.
Sometimes a woman needs only to hold a suspicion that her partner is cheating to be susceptible. She may have painful memories from other, earlier relationships in her life, and she may have an expectation of being hurt in this one, as well. This is where a "self fulfilling prophecy" can take over and create pain for everyone.
One reason for a woman's affair is similar to one for men: boredom. An unsatisfying, dull, and predictable relationship that is not growing in depth can make the excitement of a new relationship very attractive.
The affair is not only exciting due to the new person involved, but also to the whole experience of sneaking around and hiding it. This can be a huge adrenaline rush. It's not saying it too strongly to say that it can even be mildly addictive. Women who have multiple affairs may be experiencing this kind of stimulus.
Underlying all these reasons for cheating is a poor sense of self-esteem. We all need an adequate amount of affection and admiration from our partners. One way or another this attention falters at times and the person can become insecure and start looking for the attention is other places.
Women can especially have this problem since our culture puts so much emphasis on physical beauty, sex appeal, and the ability to attract men. The truly secure woman knows that her value rests not in these attributes but in her depth of character, her spiritual self, and in her self-reliance.
Unfortunately, there is very little in our culture to encourage this self awareness and many women unconsciously find their worth in the attention they receive from the men in their lives. And, when it is not coming from their partner they are susceptible to receiving it from other men.
Few would say that any of these reasons for cheating are justifiable. Whether it is boredom, self-esteem, revenge, or the pain that relationships often bring, the answer is to go to work on the relationship, not to have an affair. We can understand the motivations for affairs, but we still know that they are harmful and someone usually gets hurt badly.
I-Phone Apps version of Irreplaceable
I-Phone shows us what marvels the I-Phone Apps can do. Add a cute girl with a nice voice to the mix, presto, they now have a great marketing strategy.
I got a little problem about this though. Do I choose the I-Phone over the Cutie?
Enjoy the video. Oh, forgive her english. : )
I got a little problem about this though. Do I choose the I-Phone over the Cutie?
Enjoy the video. Oh, forgive her english. : )
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ang Tunay na Mahirap
Its election season again in the Philippines. Every corner you see faces of politicians, you hear their advertisements on the radio and see them on television, they’re here, there, and everywhere. One politician caught my attention just recently, not because I’m impressed nor fascinated with what he did and what he intends to do if he wins. Basically, I’m annoyed. So annoyed, I switch the channel everytime his commercial plays on TV. With his catchphrase “Ang Tunay na Mahirap”, I guess you know now who I’m talking about. I received an email showing pictures of a beautiful, elegant, enormous mansion in Salt Lake City, Utah owned by him. Take a look and be astonished:
Nice crib right?! I wonder how he was able to build such work of art.
My question is: Is this realistic for someone who claims that it’s all sipag and tiyaga?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Kuya whats with the Palm?
I went to church today only to realize that it's Palm Sunday. Vendors were all over the place selling palms. For the sake of tradition, I bought two pieces and let the priest bless it with Holy Water, at least, that would the average christian do. When I arrived home, I placed the palms on the altar. As I was about to do that, my cousin saw me and asked me with a question I couldn't answer: "Kuya what is that for?". Sarcastically, he could have said "Whats with the Palm?". I delightfully answered "I don't know". I was so embarrassed that I couldn't answer him. It was like a whirlwind of a question. My brain was devastated.
So what is the deal with the palm? And why did they call it Palm Sunday?
I made a rescue operation to save my brain from total devastation and found this.
Go to Church everyone. Have a blessed Palm Sunday.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Earth Hour
I heard it on the news, it's on the newspaper, everyone is talking about it. I'm not pertaining to Justin Bieber (haha), I'm talking about Earth Hour. It's a call to stand against climate change by turning off the lights for an hour. The City of Tacloban actively made its contribution to this event last year by turning of the lights for an hour. The event was made possible thru the efforts of our organization, the JCI Candahug Liberation. By the way, our Mayor is ignorant, we didn't get any support from him. Anyway, as I was saying, since it was a success, we decided to do a repeat this year. Later tonight, we will turn off the lights for an hour, have a walk in the streets of Tacloban and do a concert in honor for mother nature.
Click here to learn more about the Earth Hour.
Together, we can save mother nature by turning off our lights from 8: 30 pm to 9:30 pm tonight.
Friday, March 26, 2010
I was reading an article when I came across a word that I never heard of in my life. I was curious so I take a look at it in the dictionary. I visited this website and to my surprise, the homepage showed the 10 most searched words in the net. Guess what?! BIKINI is number 1. They made a tally for the 10 most searched words and Bikini topped it. Looks like everyone is thinking what to wear on summer. I don't know if they don't know the meaning of bikini or they just wanna know the origin of the word, or as weird as it sounds, they just browsed the wrong site to search for a bikini. For me its a good sign, it seems that a lot of hotties slash notties will be wearing a bikini and bask in the sun this summer. Remember ladies, flaunt it if you have it, otherwise, stay indoors...Peace
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Watch the Most Romantic Dance
Here's a clip of the most romantic dance ever made. Hope watching it doesn't give you goosebumps.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
For The Love Of Country

It's almost summer. I can already feel the heat swarming my skin. I can see the green grass turn brown. It's just sizzling hot. Much like what happened 2 weeks ago in Arlington, Texas. I know this is late but I still see this issue on TV now. Yes, but I'm not talking about the recent Pacman annihilation of Joshua Clottey, it wasn't the hottest thing that happened that night. I'm talking about Arnel Piñeda singing the national anthem. The NHI condemned the artist for singing it in a different way, where in Arnel's defense was just a way of expressing himself, "Artisitic Freedom" per se. Im not a fan of his and never will be but I don't blame him for doing his own version. If you noticed, the Star Spangled Banner is sang in different ways depending on the artist doing it. Piñeda was just adding a little flavor to the song. It wasn't much after all. Screw NHI. Piñeda did what he was asked to do and that was to sing for our country. No need for such scrutiny.
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